Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Apache County Fair

I went up to the fair in St. Johns without Josh, his days off are Tue night and Wed night so it didn't work out to where he could go. We went to the fair with Ashley and Ava. I'm not so sure Ava likes Harlyn but Harlyn sure loves Ava haha.

Harlyn started getting some little red spots on her..I didn't know if it was because I let her hold that nasty fence to look at the sheep and her skin got irritated, but the spots just kept coming. I woke up the next morning and she was COVERED in them. I of course panicked not knowing what the crap was going on so I called the Dr. in Mesa and set up an app the next day. My mom drove us down and as soon as the doc walked in he said it was a carrot rash. It made me feel better that he knew exactly what it was and def felt better knowing it wasn't something serious. It never bothered her at all so that was good.

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