Monday, June 27, 2011

Whole lot of nothing.

I know, it's been forever. I can't even use the excuse I've been too busy to update because that would be a lie ha. We went up to SJ for a few days. Josh had 5 days off so we left Wed about 4:30. Chris and Bailey went up there too. We went to the Fiesta Parade and saw a lot of people I haven't seen in awhile. Also heard more about people in those few days than I have in the last year I'm pretty sure haha. We got ready for my parents 1:00 church only to find out it was stake conference and we totally missed it. We then changed our clothes and went shooting :) Saturday night Ridgen took a nap until about 6:00...BIG mistake hahaha. He was SO wired that night..Bailey my mom and I were playing a card game (which I lost BAD at) and he was running through us, jumping on funny I couldn't handle it. my dad started playing with him..That was the cutest. Such imaginations.

I bought a chest and a side table at Goodwill for 5 bucks each. In the process of making them to come!

In other news. I'm getting another nephew!! How exciting.